Sunday 12 September 2010

On my way to the RSS meeting

After months of looking forward to the annual meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, I am finally in the UK and ready to begin. This will be my second RSS meeting, having come for the first time last year to beautiful Edinburgh. The opening reception there was in a castle! We're a bit short of castles in the US, so that was a memorable experience. I've little doubt the Brighton meeting will be equally memorable.

I arrived around noon today after a crowded but reasonably comfortable overnight flight from the US. The immigration officer asked what my plans were, and when I told her I was attending the Royal Statistical Society conference, she said "Oh, that sounds interesting. I would have to take along a book or something."

My stay today is with friends in the lovely County of Kent. They live in a barn that has been fantastically converted into a charming residence, at once rustic and modern. Tomorrow I arrive in Brighton.

The high anticipation I have for this conference comes in no small part from the great communication the RSS staff has provided to conference participants. I am well prepared with information about the conference program(me), which looks quite intriguing, but also about the social aspects of the event and things to do in Brighton. I learned last year what a well run conference this is.

I look forward to the opening reception tomorrow evening, and a great conference beginning Tuesday.

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